$Id: README,v 2004/06/18 06:38:13 ibbo Exp $ a2j README, last updated on Fri Jan 5 12:38:02 GMT 2001 by Ian. N.B. The classes generated by this tool are now dependent upon the Apache log4j class library! Introduction ------------ This is the initial release of a2j, an ASN to Java stub compiler. The goal of this project is production of a set of efficient base encoders for a Z3950 toolkit (see http://sourceforge.net/projects/jzjkit) but it is hoped that the toolkit may have a wider use. The tool is far from a production quality compiler with many warts and bumps that need good ideas on how they can be resolved. I would like to hear from anyone trying to use the toolkit or with ideas on how it can be improved or issues resolved. Getting started --------------- There are sample ASN files under the source/com/example/gen directory along with a script that generates the encoders for a given .asn file. Long term, the aim is to be able to invoke the compiler followed by a list of source files to compile. However, this initial release contains a bug which will cause only the last file to have codecs generated, thus, the following is needed This line will generate the ASN useful package. java -DCodecBasePackage="com.example.gen" com.k_int.codec.comp.runParser ./useful.asn1 2> zout This line will generate the codecs needed for the Z3950 protocol definition java -DCodecBasePackage="com.example.gen" com.k_int.codec.comp.runParser ./useful.asn1 ./z3950v3.asn 2>> zout You are advised to take a look at the z3950 toolkit at http://sourceforge.net/projects/jzjkit for an example use of the generated codecs (You can also copy the ant build files from here if you wish). Finally, in the src/com/example/gen directory there is a hand modified version of the generated EXPLAIN_codec.java file. This modified codec will look for a singleton OID register object that might give the external a hint about which codec should be used given any OID supplied with the external. If you have generated the classes to a different package (using the -DCodecBasePackage setting) you will need to make similar changes to your geneated EXPLAIN_codec if you wish to make use of this functionality. Contact Information ------------------- If you have any comments, need any help, or feel like contributing please drop me a line (ibbo@k-int.com) or visit the a2j project page on sourceforge ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/a2j ). Have fun, Ian.